
Showing posts from June, 2023

Three days, about 200 miles into the journey

 We are in Ashland Wisconsin, boon docking  the first night, as the campground was full.  (First come first serve and we were NOT early getting here!)  We did have a beautiful view of "the" lake.   Happily we grabbed a spot in the campground today- we waited outside the campground nice and early for someone to leave.  We are now in one spot for a whole 24 hours and the sun is even coming out.  My starlink is set up and I am enjoying my outdoor office.  Scott has biked about 200 miles (only 10,800 or so to go.)   Until yesterday the weather was great.  Yesterday he had the challenges of bad weather, a narrow shoulder, traffic congestion, some long climbs, and poor air quality.  No problem.  He actually liked biking across the big blue Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge from Duluth, MN to Superior, WI!   I continue to be awed by his attitude throughout, much as he has been through all the cancer challenges.   Scott has shared his story to many hundreds of people already.  His bann

Whirlwind of a week

  We have had  a whirlwind of a week leading up to today's departure.  From the dress rehearsal with Tour of MN cyclists a week ago Monday, to getting ready for departure today the week was packed with activities. We are meeting at The Nevis Muskie at 10:00, with Scott cycling from Nevis to Hill City today; about 70 miles.  Just in the last week we had a lovely kickoff with friends at Mark and Betty's, a cook out with our Eastside church friends of Celebrate recovery, a neighborhood (indoor) potluck at Brad and Debbie's, to the Nevis kickoff and ceremonial ride start yesterday.   We soaked up the love, encouragement and HUGS.  We are so thankful.  Today is the day!  It's start time.  So hard to believe that in a few hours Scott starts his 11,000 mile cycle journey!  We are excited, nervous, relieved, and overjoyed.  We are especially thankful.   Scott feels "compelled" to do this.  He is stage 4 prostate cancer. As Dr Kwon states, the cancer is still there but

The "dress rehearsal " outing with Tour of MN cyclists

With departure on this epic trip looming ahead of us, and the multiple task lists calling to us, we took time to do a "dress rehearsal" with the camper and cycling.  Scott and I traveled a couple hours away to Albany to join up with the Tour of Minnesota cyclists.    Scott had a fantastic day cycling with the Tour.  Last year he rode the whole week with the tour to check how his body felt after a week of about 300 miles.  He made many cycling friends and was honored to cycle with them again, and to share his story with them this year.   After cycling with his Tour friends for 68 miles from Albany to Alexandria during the day,  he spoke to the group of a few hundred cyclists that same night. Scott shared his story about stage 4 prostate cancer with zero symptoms, and the death of his son Benny by suicide due to schizophrenia while Scott was undergoing chemo.  You can read his full story here:  Scott's story is a powerful reminder about how precious l

Men's Health week June 12-16th donations doubled with Zero Prostate Cancer

 This week is Men's health week. As we approach two weeks from departure on this year long mission to raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer and schizophrenia, how appropriate that we have a week to focus on Men's health leading up to Father's Day.  Some say it is actually "men's health month!"  The idea is to encourage men in your life to take care of their bodies by eating right, exercising, and working to prevent disease.  Working to prevent disease means getting your PSA checked with a simple blood test, and having the doctor screen for signs of prostate cancer.  The doctor may also recommend a digital exam. This last week Scott and I spoke at both the Park Rapids Rotary Club and Itascatur Outdoor Group, and were excited to see so many men sign the banner and pledge to get their PSA's checked. We also thank both groups for generously supporting the mission.  Next week Scott is talking to the Tour of Minnesota bike group and another group of frie

Minneapolis Kick off - off with a bang with a $100,000 match and many pledges to get PSA checked!

  CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO END PROSTATE CANCER CLICK HERE TO END SCHITZOPHRENIA Scott's journey to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and schizophrenia was off to a fantastic start at the Minneapolis kick off.  Scott told his story, stressing the need for men to get their PSA tested with a simple blood test, and the need for better treatments that don't have the side effects often seen from the prostate cancer treatment and the schizophrenia treatments. He asked the men to sign the banner to pledge to get their PSA checked.  This banner will travel with us around the country and hopefully be filled with signatures from men in the 33 states we are traveling through - all pledging to get their PSA checked!  You can see the video of  Scott's speech HERE or go to the website where it is uploaded! .  Shawn from Zero Prostate cancer flew in for the event and talked about the comprehensive support and services Zero offers to patients. Zero has be