In honor of Kurt Carr and In memory of Mark Alvig

In Honor of Kurt Carr 
In Memory of Mark Alvig 

 Week Two complete: 640 miles in.  On to Ohio today, which will be the 5th state already.  Scott will be picking up the Adventure Cycle Map Northern Tier  route which takes him along Lake Eerie.   We continue to boon dock, use Harvest Hosts, state parks, county parks, rv parks and whatever else works on short notice,  as places to stay.  It's always an adventure.  My favorite so far is the beauty of the sandy beach of Lake Michigan.  Scott got a kick out of sharing the road yesterday with horse drawn carriages in Menonnite country.   Scott is staying pretty predictable to the route and calendar he planned, so we are starting to build some confidence that the schedule will work of about 300 miles a week, two days off per week.  I am working on posting a calendar with more detail on the route. 

One of the reasons we want to build awareness about getting early detection is due to how much more treatable prostate cancer is in early stages.   Even aggressive prostate cancer is more survivable in early stages.   This Week Scott is riding for two men,  in honor of Kurt Carr a prostate cancer survivor, and in memory of Mark Alvig.  

Kurt was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer during covid.  He experienced the trauma of the cancer diagnosis compounded by treatment complications due to covid, including delays and  cancellations. He evaluated both options of radiation and surgery.  The medical system during covid made an already tough, emotional challenge all that more difficult.   He eventually had a radical prostatectomy and is now maintaining an undetectable PSA.   Mark was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer that had already metastasized throughout his body.  Mark lost his hard fought battle to advanced aggressive prostate cancer.  He was 57.  

Kurt has challenged others to share the mission, and to make a pledge.   He has led that way with  generously pledging $1 per mile.

A few statistics to know: 

    One in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in his lifetime 

    The biggest risk factors are age, African ancestry and family history 

    Early detection saves lives!   (GO GET TESTED!) 

    Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer death in men. 

 Thank you Zero Prostate cancer who maintains statistics  How can you help? Share our mission. Talk to others about early detection.  I also do frequent "talks with Scott"  before and after his  bike rides on Facebook  Live.  ( Katy Bloomquist Freitag). 


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