Week One is done 370 miles! On to Week two.

 We are really doing it!  Week one is done. Scott has cycled about 370 miles last week. So far so good.  

The route: 

Scott meticulously planned the route over the last several months by reviewing maps and handwriting out day by day directions.   Well, you know what they say about best laid plans!  For the most part the route has been just fine.  Except for the lack of shoulder, which makes me more nervous than Scott.   Yesterday I did have to pick Scott up and drive through a section of the route that had no shoulder.  I wish I could have stopped for pictures. It was stunningly beautiful along 55, wolf river, through the Menominee reservation.  After we passed through, I dropped Scott to continue his ride. He still got in over 50 miles. 

Every day Scott has hit some kind of road construction - we expected that, and he has slowly and carefully made it through.  He has not yet been on many bike paths, but we expect that to change once he is on the adventure cycle maps as we get close to the East coast. 

Nutrition and Hydration: 

Nutrition is going as expected. He continues to use the Saturday App, so he customizes his drink (water plus sugar and salt) for the amount of carbs and electrolytes and fluids he needs.  He also brings along a PB&J sandwich and buys some sweet treat as he enjoys having a stop, rest and eat break along the way. He is going through 4-8 water bottles during the day depending on the length of the ride - he sweats heavily. The quote of the week: he stopped at a gas station to buy a COLD water and he said, "it tasted better than a filet mignon".  We usually grill something in the evening and so far he is having about twice what his normal consumption would be; i.e. two burgers rather than one!  


Scott has never needed much sleep.  Even on Lupron, which can cause fatigue and hot flashes, Scott has done ok. I notice the hot flashes while he sleeps through them!  But he is sleeping longer now, more like 8 hours a night rather than 6.  Immediately after his ride we quickly try to get carbs and protein back into his system. (His favorite is Rebuild strength chocolate).   His body is recovering well.  His heart rate is 101-110 for most of his rides,  and he is keeping in the "endurance" range for power, pace and effort.  Translated it makes recovery go better.  Even so, happy he has a day off tomorrow as he is definitely due for one.  For those that use training peaks, (a training app software) his Training Stress Score last week was 1,167!  His Fatigue is at 103, Fitness 83, and Form is -35.   For comparison I never even saw those type of numbers when I trained for the ironman competitions!   

Happy 4th of July to all - Scott said it has been super fun to see so many neighborhoods so dressed up for the 4th.  Thank you for sharing and following our mission! www.milesformoney.org 


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